Introduction to Silobreaker’s new AI tool

Threat Intelligence analysts are supporting an increasingly wide range of intelligence requirements from a diverse group of stakeholders. Being able to collect, analyse and disseminate reporting in a timely manner – while maintaining accuracy and delivering actionable insights that speak to the specific needs of intelligence customers – is a core daily challenge of any intelligence team.

Being able to accomplish these tasks faster while preserving the quality of reporting is key to threat intelligence teams growing their value within the organisation, supporting more decision-makers with intelligence that is timely, trusted and relevant to their needs.

These teams already rely on Silobreaker’s Intelligence Hub, Relevance Engine and Intelligence Workspace to enable the reporting coverage and quality that their stakeholders are asking for. Layered on top of this platform are daily intelligence briefs written by Silobreaker analysts, providing a timely and trusted stream of reports on cyber threat developments.

Silobreaker Analyst daily briefs on a malware of interest

But despite collection, processing and analysis of information being transformed by these capabilities, until now, report drafting has started with a blank page. While the trusted information necessary to write a report has been collected and made tractable to analysts, they have always had to spend time manually drafting report text, including reading, reviewing and summarising both basic facts and nuanced technical details before getting to the real value-add of determining what is most important and actionable to inform their stakeholder’s critical decisions.

Silobreaker AI is designed to support analysts as they produce reporting on Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs). Trained to think and write like an intelligence analyst, the tool evaluates information, checks assumptions and evidence, and generates briefs which an analyst can use as the starting point for their reporting workflows – accelerating the production of high-quality intelligence reports for key decision makers.

Silobreaker AI: Features overview

Summary. Silobreaker AI synthesises multiple analyst reports relevant to a PIR, such as activity of a threat actor or malware, into a concise, information-rich summary focusing on the information most relevant to threat intelligence.

Silobreaker AI summary of analyst reporting on a malware

Key Details. Silobreaker AI answers core questions related to the threat, iteratively questioning the information being provided to ensure that it is truthful to the source documents, and accurately contextualised for the actor or malware of interest.

  • Targets – the organisations, personas, industries and platforms which are being targeted by the actor or malware
  • Tactics, Techniques and Procedures – references to the specific TTPs which are being leveraged
  • Vulnerabilities – specific CVEs associated with the threat and the context around them
  • Malicious IOCs – IPs, domains and hashes which have been associated with the threat
  • Remediation – references to how organisations may specifically remediate the threat, based on detail provided in the source reporting

Silobreaker AI key detail extraction

Threat scoring. Given the nature of the threat that is being reported, how significant is it?  In the early versions of Silobreaker AI, the scores evaluate the scope (severity of the threat – from nuisance or defacement up to data corruption or physical damage), capabilities (how sophisticated the methods used are) and scale of the threat (how widespread the affected targets are) from the perspective of a CTI team.

Silobreaker AI threat scoring based on analyst reporting

How Silobreaker AI can boost your intelligence capabilities

Silobreaker AI seamlessly augments a wide range of capabilities that support the full intelligence cycle, efficiently streamlining the collection, aggregation, accurate analysis and dissemination of open-source intelligence.

Get a head start on reporting against PIRs. Allowing the AI to generate an initial brief provides the baseline for analysts to build on, adding nuance and technical detail, refining the ‘so what’ insights, and ensuring the report meets the needs of the intended stakeholder in terms of content, language and other criteria needed to make it actionable.

Avoid missing key details. With Silobreaker’s Intelligence Hub, Relevance Engine, analyst briefs and AI doing the heavy lifting, analysts can increase their confidence that they are covering all the angles on a threat. With less time spent writing basic analysis, more time can be devoted to diving into the aspects that will really make a difference to decision making. With Silobreaker AI’s output fully integrated into the platform, analysts can drill down into supporting evidence, and pivot on entities of interest to reveal the full depth of information from open and premium sources on those entities and collaborate on assessments of those threats with colleagues across departments.

Entity extraction from Silobreaker AI brief, supporting drill down investigations into mentioned actors, malware, companies and more.

Prioritise threats. By quantifying the level of threat being reported, across several dimensions, it opens up new opportunities for improved prioritisation and filtering of intelligence, by focusing on what matters most.

Faster, intelligence-led decisions with Silobreaker AI

Silobreaker AI acts as a trusted threat intelligence assistant to busy analyst teams, providing them with faster insights into the threats that matter most to their organisations, and enabling more decisive action to reduce risks to data, assets, revenues, and brand reputation. To learn more, request a demo of Silobreaker AI here.