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Best practices guide: How to build a requirements-driven intelligence programme

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Threat Intelligence for Government and Defence

Government and defence agencies require clear visibility into all areas of risk, from espionage and disinformation campaigns to political instability and natural disasters. Silobreaker enables your organisation to quickly collect and analyse relevant information (including open source and dark web) to obtain a clear overview of the various cyber, physical and geopolitical threats that may impact your operations.

Mobilise analysts faster

Use Silobreaker to keep on top of any emerging threat actors, vulnerable systems, political shifts, and more, through the creation of highly curated feeds of content. This leaves more time to dedicate to the collection and dissemination of intelligence, ensuring comprehensive insights can be delivered to key decision-makers in a timely manner.

Deliver accurate, contextual intelligence

Various analytical tools can be leveraged on our customisable dashboards to gain insight into the tactics, techniques, and procedures of threat actors seeking to infiltrate networks for espionage purposes, or to keep track of ongoing geopolitical situations that may put your personnel at risk. These tools, combined with our automated alerts and collaborative intelligence reports, allow you to spend more time responding to potential threats and ensures that key stakeholders receive proactive insights into emerging threats.

Meet more government and defence intelligence requirements

With a myriad of networks, locations, assets and high-profile employees to monitor for risks, Silobreaker’s threat intelligence platform enables you to answer more intelligence requirements in one place, reducing tools and increasing efficiency.

There was a major incident last week and the first we knew of it – despite all manner of other confidential feeds – was through Silobreaker.

Head of OSINT, Naval Force

Silobreaker for government and defence

See threats in context with clear visibility of the cyber, physical and geopolitical threat landscape in one place.

Detect and respond to threats faster.

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