What is brand protection?

Brand protection refers to the tools and methods a business or organisation uses to protect the integrity of its brand and reputation.

This can include monitoring for and defending against trademark infringement, counterfeit goods, and unauthorised use of a brand online. 

Online brand protection involves detecting and removing fake or incorrect information about a brand, and using security measures to protect the company’s name, intellectual property and other confidential information. 

It is about stopping bad actors from using the brand’s name in unauthorised or fraudulent ways that could hurt the brand’s reputation and making sure customers have a positive experience with the brand.

What is brand abuse?

Brand abuse is the unauthorised or illegal use of a brand or trademark by bad actors that can damage the reputation or integrity of the brand. Examples include:

  • Counterfeit products or using a brand name or logo without permission
  • False or misleading claims about a brand or its products or services  
  • Cybersquatting – registering a domain name similar to a brand’s legitimate website to redirect people to a different website and profit from it
  • Phony social media profiles, handles or posts
  • Fake mobile apps that look like real ones from a brand but are created to steal personal information, spread malware, or display deceptive ads

Brand abuse can have a significant negative impact on a brand’s reputation and financial performance, so it’s crucial for companies to take steps to protect their brand from abuse. 

What is counterfeiting?

Counterfeiting is when someone makes and sells products that are identical or like registered trademarked products, without permission. This is a form of brand abuse and can damage the brand’s reputation and harm customers by providing them with poor quality or even dangerous products. 

Counterfeit products can include things like luxury goods, electronics and even medicine. Counterfeiters use similar branding, packaging, and labels to make the fake products appear more authentic. 

Counterfeiting can dilute the value of the brand, and cause confusion and distrust among customers. 

What is Digital Brand Protection (DBP)?

Digital Brand Protection (DBP) is a way for companies and organisations to protect and maintain the integrity of their brand in the digital space. This includes monitoring and managing a brand’s online presence, as well as taking steps to prevent and address any unauthorised or harmful use of the brand online.

DBP activities include trademark, counterfeiting and social media monitoring, as well as domain name protection and reputation management.

Key features of brand protection solutions

Brand protection solutions are specialised services that help companies to protect their brand from unauthorised use and safeguard their reputation by identifying and addressing potential threats, minimising the risk of damaging the brand. 

These cyber brand protection services help companies monitor and protect their brand in the digital space, and include:

  • Trademark monitoring – searching for and finding unauthorised uses of a brand’s name, logo, or other trademarked materials online
  • Domain name protection – monitoring for and addressing cybersquatting and other forms of domain name abuse
  • Social media monitoring – searching social media platforms for unauthorised use of a brand’s name or logo or false or misleading information about the brand
  • Counterfeiting – detecting and stopping the sale of counterfeit goods online
  • Reputation management – monitoring for and addressing negative or false information about a brand online
  • Content protection – monitoring for and addressing copyright infringement and other forms of intellectual property abuse
  • Takedown – removing infringing content from the internet
  • Integration with other systems – integrating brand protection solution with other systems, such as e-commerce platforms and threat intelligence tools

An effective brand protection security solution like Silobreaker’s Brand Threat Protection provides comprehensive coverage, real-time monitoring, automated detection and takedown, accurate and actionable data, flexibility and scalability, integration with other systems and human support.

Consequences of brand attacks

Brand attacks, if left unchecked, can have serious consequences for a company, both financially and reputation-wise.

A brand attack can result in the loss of a company’s trademarks, logos, and other intellectual property, and can decrease the value of a brand, making it less attractive to potential investors or buyers.

Brand attacks can also lead to legal expenses and the loss of customers, as well as take attention and resources away from the company’s core business.


What is the meaning of brand protection?

Brand protection is a process organisations use to protect and maintain the integrity of their brand and reputation.

This can include monitoring for and defending against trademark infringement, counterfeit goods, and unauthorised use of the brand online. 

What are the benefits of brand protection?

Brand protection helps businesses maintain their reputation and the integrity of their brand name, ensuring that customers have a positive and consistent experience with the brand online.

It also protects their revenues and brand equity from abuse by third parties, such as counterfeit goods that reduce sales and damage brand reputation, or fraudulent use of the brand’s name in phishing and other online scams.

How do you protect your brand identity?

Protecting brand identity is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and management and a combination of legal, digital and marketing measures.

It’s important to do things like register trademarks, manage reputation, and use Digital Brand Protection (DBP) to monitor and enforce a brand’s digital identity. It’s also important to take cybersecurity measures to keep the brand’s digital assets and sensitive information safe.

Who is responsible for brand protection?

Brand protection is the responsibility of a company’s management team, as well as its information security, legal and marketing departments. These teams work together to ensure that any brand infringement or unauthorised use is identified and dealt with as quickly as possible.